Auteur/autrice : Dominique Turcq

Don’t stick to your knitting!

Peters and Waterman in a famous management book  « In Search of Excellence » in 1982 carved a sentence that has since be considered as a credo by most MBA programs, …

Don’t stick to your knitting!

Peters and Waterman in a famous management book  « In Search of Excellence » in 1982 carved a sentence that has since be considered as a credo by most MBA programs, …

The social gordian knot

On may 31, Boostzone Institute organized a full day interactive work session  around the « social gordian knot ». In order to produce a high quality collaborative experience, we approached top …

L’avenir du monde du travail

Cette année encore je vous propose de consacrer un Business Breakfast sur l’avenir du monde du travail. Il aura lieu le 10 mai (voir en bas de ce billet). …

Happy 2012, a « normal » year

Will 2012 be a year like any other? But is there any year that looks like any other? 2011 was an exceptional one, 2010 too, 2009 also, 2008 obviously… …

Happy 2012, a « normal » year

Will 2012 be a year like any other? But is there any year that looks like any other? 2011 was an exceptional one, 2010 too, 2009 also, 2008 obviously… …

A quoi sert le management?

On pourrait parfois se le demander. Car la question est loin d’être stupide. Bien sur, le manager, ou le dirigeant, ou le leader (chacun choisit le jargon qui lui …