“I” wish « YOU » a happy new year, but who am “I” and who are « YOU » in 2013?
We are all changing so fast and so much… This is a wonderful time of the year, we all get ready to wish each other the best possible moments, to…
We are all changing so fast and so much… This is a wonderful time of the year, we all get ready to wish each other the best possible moments, to…
We are all changing so fast and so much… This is a wonderful time of the year, we all get ready to wish each other the best possible moments, to…
The program of Techonomy , as well as the various sessions « live » , can be found at http://www.techonomy.com/. The twitter comments can be found at #techonomy12 . This…
The program of Techonomy , as well as the various sessions « live » , can be found at http://www.techonomy.com/. The twitter comments can be found at #techonomy12 . This…
The program of Techonomy , as well as the various sessions « live » , can be found at http://www.techonomy.com/. The twitter comments can be found at #techonomy12 . This…
The program of Techonomy , as well as the various sessions « live » , can be found at http://www.techonomy.com/. The twitter comments can be found at #techonomy12 . This…
Echanges électroniques, téléprésence, télétravail, culture collaborative, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, réseau social d’entreprise… redessinent assez brutalement les contours de l’entreprise d’aujourd’hui. Dominique Turcq, fondateur de l’Institut Boostzone consacré à l’avenir du…
You know about BYOD, but did you think of BYOT and the others? Well, you know about BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, this movement by which individuals are encouraged to,…
You know about BYOD, but did you think of BYOT and the others? Well, you know about BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, this movement by which individuals are encouraged to,…
Peters and Waterman in a famous management book « In Search of Excellence » in 1982 carved a sentence that has since be considered as a credo by most MBA…
Peters and Waterman in a famous management book « In Search of Excellence » in 1982 carved a sentence that has since be considered as a credo by most MBA…
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – August 2012
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – August 2012
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – July 2012
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – July 2012
Par Dominique Turcq, publié dans Le Cercle des Echos en juin 2012 » Nombre de tâches intermédiaires vont disparaître, nombre d’emplois rémunérés vont disparaître du fait de la dimension collaborative…
On may 31, Boostzone Institute organized a full day interactive work session around the « social gordian knot ». In order to produce a high quality collaborative experience, we approached…
By Dominique Turcq, published in « Le Cercle des Echos » June 2012 A number of middle managers jobs will disappear, a number of intermediaries’ jobs will disappear, and a…
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – June 2012
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – June 2012
Nadine Bayle, Directrice Générale des Éditions Émoticourt article de Christine Ferniot et Marine Landro, publié dans Telerama en juin 2012 » De plus en plus d’auteurs et d’éditeurs s’adaptent à…
Interview de Jean-Paul Betbèze, chef économiste du Crédit Agricole, publiée dans la newsletter de la Fondation Robert Schuman en mai 2012 » Oui, il faut éviter la sortie de la…
By Simon Mundy, published by The Financial times in May 2012 « Recruitment companies expect to benefit from rising unemployment across Europe as crisis-hit governments introduce long-awaited labour reforms to…
By Simon Mundy, published by The Financial times in May 2012 « Recruitment companies expect to benefit from rising unemployment across Europe as crisis-hit governments introduce long-awaited labour reforms to…
Par Dominique Filippone, publié dans le Journal du Net en mai 2012 « Parmi les entreprises qui utilisent un RSE, 34% en ont un usage ponctuel, tandis que pour 14%…
Can business leaders and managers really hope to escape crises of confidence in today’s context, particularly in Europe? How can we find the energy and the confidence needed to lead…
Can business leaders and managers really hope to escape crises of confidence in today’s context, particularly in Europe? How can we find the energy and the confidence needed to lead…
By H. Thomas Johnson, professor of Business Administration at Portland State University, published by NEP-HIS blog, May 2012 « In Management From Hell, Robert Locke offers an alternative to the…
By H. Thomas Johnson, professor of Business Administration at Portland State University, published by NEP-HIS blog, May 2012 « In Management From Hell, Robert Locke offers an alternative to the…
Boostzone Webreview on the Future of the World of Work – May 2012