Boostzone Research on Enhanced Corporate Directories – Online Survey is Open

The Boostzone Institute is currently conducting research into Enhanced Corporate Directories (an Enhanced Corporate Directory is an “intelligent” directory enabling internal social media, knowledge management, communities and networks, etc.).

Face to face interviews with executives and design teams from important companies (those with over 5000 employees) were started in June 2010. It has already highlighted different approaches, though an enduring observation: a good corporate directory is key to any collaboration strategy and to any Enterprise 2.0 implementation. Interviews will continue until September with around 15 companies, and we are also opening an online survey to gather feedback from other organizations.

The research report will be published during the fourth quarter (in English and French) and should include:

  • The results from the online survey
  • The good questions to ask: what data, where to obtain them, which areas to cover or not, range, rationalization, update, utilization, etc.
  • A few implementation examples; specifics, success factors, lessons learned from the project.
  • Some legal and ethical concepts encountered across countries, e.g. on data gathering and processing, anticipatory and prevention elements (policies, statements, etc.).
  • Open questions and potential evolutions towards what could be a corporate directory in 2015.

Participants to the online survey will receive the first section free and a 50% discount on the complete report.

To answer the online survey, follow this link:

This research is led by Cécile Demailly, fellow of the Boostzone Institute.

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